Acrylic on canvas. 34 x 46"
"Who Stills the Roaring Seas" is acrylic on canvas, 34 x 46 inches. The ocean is a place of rest and transcendent. When I'm out on the water, a stillness comes over me and its a place where I can concentrate better on talking with God. It's my place of solitude and rest. Ironically, in ancient Jewish culture, the sea was not a picture of peace at all, but chaos and danger. The "roaring seas" as it says in Psalm 65 was threatening, unpredictable, and uncontrollable. But there was one who was in control of it and can overpower it, He "who stills the roaring seas." When life seems threatening, unpredictable, and uncontrollable, there is one who is in control, is good, and can keep you still in the midst of chaos.
Who Stills the Roaring Seas (34x46")
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